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Solar Energy 
Powering a clean energy future 

Brockwell Storage & Solar is developing a portfolio of subsidy free solar projects in the UK.  The sites are focused in the south-east to maximise energy yield and have been chosen to minimise grid connection costs by ensuring they are in close proximity to connection points.  Where possible, sites will incorporate battery energy storage to enable energy to be delivered to the grid when it's needed most - during peak times.  This avoids solar energy flooding the network when demand is low and clean energy being curtailed.


As an experienced project developer, we specialise in engaging with landowners and working with them to deliver projects that work for all parties.  This has led to us building up over 1.5GW of sites in a short period of time. 


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Key Benefits
Cost and performance

According to the International Energy Agency, in some circumstances solar PV is now the cheapest source of electricity in history.


Government research shows solar farms will supply the most affordable electricity to the national grid for the foreseeable future, far more cheaply than fossil fuel power plants such as gas.


Unlike fossil fuels, sunlight is free meaning that the price of solar power is much less volatile. This means that solar power is helping to tackle the energy crisis which began in Autumn 2021, reducing bills and making the UK more energy self-sufficient.


Solar works well everywhere in the UK. Solar panels don’t need direct sunlight to operate and they produce power all year round. For example, at one point in February 2022, solar was providing more than 20% of the UK’s electricity.


Land use, landscape and environment

In addition to providing clean, affordable energy – which is good for the planet – they can improve local biodiversity by supporting new and existing plant and animal life.


Well-designed and managed solar farms actively improve the local environment and provide a range of ecological benefits, including: establishing wildflower meadows and grasslands; supporting hedgerow growth; and promoting wetland habitats.


The independent National Food Strategy Review shows that solar farms do not in any way present a risk to the UK’s food security.


Solar farms in the UK currently account for just 0.08% of total land use and this is expected to rise to just 0.5% by 2050 – less than the amount currently used for golf courses.


Solar panels are designed to absorb as much light as possible because the more light a panel absorbs the more power it will generate. This means that reflection is low and, therefore, glint and glare are not a problem. This is evidenced by the fact that multiple UK airports operate solar systems. This would not be the case if glint and glare were a concern.


Solar power greatly reduces the carbon emissions that traditional thermal power stations currently produce which benefits human health and the environment.


In most cases, 99% of a solar panel is recyclable, and there are well established industrial processes to do this.


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